Some intrepid players in the Destiny 2 beta have found a way to rain justice on the forces of darkness with no limits, thanks to an infinite super glitch. One of the coolest things in Destiny is each class’ super attack. Normally, you kill enemies to fill up a meter you can then drain by using an ultra-powerful super move. You know, video game stuff.
I have 2 avalanche that I don't know which one I like best, One with feeding frenzy and rampage and the other with dynamic sway reduction and rampage. I guess for now I just switch between the 2 depending if I'll need to reload often or not. Jul 13, 2019 Destiny 2: How to Get Recluse and Reach Fabled Glory Rank. Destiny 2 players will want to acquire The Recluse pinnacle submachine gun as soon as possible because it. Jul 20, 2017 Some intrepid players in the Destiny 2 beta have found a way to rain justice on the forces of darkness with no limits, thanks to an infinite super glitch. One of the coolest things in Destiny is.
How to get infinite super attacks in the Destiny 2 beta
Per Polygon, this can be done in the Inverted Spire strike in the Destiny 2 beta. Instead of actually going where you’re supposed to go when you begin the strike, hang around the starting area and keep killing enemies to build up your super meter. Eventually, enemies riding Pike vehicles will show up. Kill them, but make sure not to kill the Pikes with them. You’ll need one.
The next part is where it gets a bit tricky. You need to activate your super as you’re hopping on the Pike. If you’ve done it correctly, your character will hold their super weapon while they’re piloting the Pike. If not, nothing will happen and your meter will still be full when you get off. The timing is tricky, but this video shows you how to do it:
Once you’ve done that, remain on the Pike and open your inventory. Switch to a different primary weapon and then switch back to the one you originally had, all without exiting the menu. After that, you can leave the menu, get off the Pike and run around the strike using your super with no restrictions.
This is the kind of fun thing you see in a beta — and a feature unlikely to endure to the final release of Destiny 2. Best get on it while you can.
More Destiny 2 news and updates
If you can’t wait to get back out on patrol with your Fireteam, check out the rest of our coverage for Destiny 2. We’ve got coverage about why Bungie opted not to use dedicated servers for the sequel, why there won’t be cross-play and cross-saves for PC and what you can expect from the game’s PC specs and partnership. Additionally, you can check out the new Supers being added to the game, some details behind guided games and the new Crucible changes as well. Finally, you can check out our ongoing coverage of the beta here.

Destiny 2 Python Guide – Quest Steps & How-to Get!
We’re taking a look at the Python Energy Shotgun, which is one of Destiny 2: Shadowkeep’s new Ritual Weapons that can be obtained in the Season of the Dawn! You’ll need to complete a small quest to obtain this brand new Shotgun.
Ritual Weapons have replaced the old Pinnacle Weapons that were popular among collectors. These new weapons will no longer have special perks and will instead feature curated rolls. This seems to be a way to keep things more fair across the board, and will make it easier to balance in the future.
“If they let you get that close, they deserve it.” —The Drifter
- Aggressive Frame – Hard-hitting, high recoil. Increases rate of fire after kill.
- Choice of Overflow or Feeding Frenzy
- Overflow – Picking up Special or Heavy ammo reloads this weapon to beyond normal capacity.
- Feeding Frenzy – Kills with this weapon increase reload speed for a short time.
- Choice of Shield Disorient or One-Two Punch
- Shield Disorient – Energy matched shield explosion disorients nearby combatants.
- One-Two Punch – Hitting an enemy with every pellet in a shot increases melee damage for a short duration.
“If they let you get that close, they deserve it.” —The Drifter
“Trust is a hell of a thing. Some people think they can earn it. Others think they can buy it. But that’s the thing about trust: It’s not real. You can’t hold it, squeeze it, or put it in your pocket. It’s intangible.
Destiny 2 Feeding Frenzy Glitches
“You have to believe in it. I don’t know about you, but I don’t care much for fairy tales. I like real things that I can feel.
“This isn’t to say I haven’t used trust before. To get close. Close enough to use something real, that I can hold, squeeze, and tear ’em down to pocket size with.
“Up to you what you do with trust. We all have choices to make.”
—The Drifter
If you want to earn the Python Energy Shotgun, you’ll need to head on over to The Drifter and receive the Get Closer quest:
Complete the following objectives in Gambit matches to recieve the Python. Both combatants and Guardians grant points. Guardians grant the most efficient progress.
“Don’t go thinking this means anything more than it is. This is an arrangement, not a bond.” —The Drifter
You’ll need to complete the following objectives to complete this quest:
Feeding Frenzy Download
- [Shotgun] Close-range final blows: 150
- [Shotgun] Final blows: 500
- Infamy rank “Heroic”: 1
Feeding Frenzy Online
Once you’ve completed those objectives, you’ll just need to return to The Drifter at the Tower and receive your reward!