Mar 13, 2020 A list of our Destiny 2 best weapon recommendations in every weapon category, from best auto rifles to the best bows, hand cannons and scout rifles. Oct 03, 2019 EDIT: I almost forgot, gun to my head, if I had to pick the absolute best hand-cannon I'd go for but I never expect to get in a million years would be a Warden's Law with Feeding Frenzy & Rampage. Problem is that this gun is only farmable from the Nightfall 'Warden of Nothing' Strike, and the loot drops are already unlikely.
Destiny: Rise of Iron is a major expansion for Bungie’s first-person shooter, Destiny. PVE features a new zone on Earth called the Plaguelands, with two Patrol zones on one planet. There are two Patrol nodes on Earth, one for the original Cosmodrome and one for the Plaguelands. Rise of Iron is available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
In the Destiny Rise of Iron, vendor weapons are of many legendary, unique weapons that are available for buying from traders. If you have got enough resources, make sure to buy all these powerful weapons which worth your time and money. Collecting weapons, increases light level also. We have given some instructions about the best weapons and their stats below.
Last-Ditch 001 Shotgun:
- Last-Ditch 001 Shotgun is available at Dead Orbit vendor for the Purchase.
- This legendary shotgun has 340 attack.
- The perks are not much impressive but they are good enough, which includes Quickdraw, Rangefinder and Hammerforged.
Event Horizon Sniper Rifle:
- Event Horizon Sniper Rifle is available at the Crucible vendor for the purchase.
- This legendary Sniper Rifle has the 340 attack.
- The perks are having much of impact and good aim assistance, which includes Shortgaze, Small Bore and Hidden Hand.
Chaotic Neutral Machine Gun:
- Chaotic Neutral Machine Gun is available at Crucible vendor for the Purchase.
- This legendary machine gun has 340 attack.
- The perks are very impressive, which includes Rangerfinder, Braced Frame and Feeding Frenzy.
The Palindrome Hand cannon:
- The Palindrome Hand cannon is available at Crucible vendor for the Purchase of 150 legendary marks and Rank 3.
- This legendary cannon has 340 attack.
- The perks are best of all the upgrades, which includes Rangefinder, Casket Mag, Rifled Barrel and Truesight.

You guys can check out our other Destiny: Rise of Iron guides here.
Feeding Frenzy Hand Cannon Beach
When Destiny 2 launched in September 2017, Bungie removed random rolls from D2’s weapons. So, this means every time a player gets a new legendary weapon, it’ll be the same one. Every weapon was assigned to have a set of static perks that won’t be changing every time to earn it in-game. For instance, if you get a grenade launcher from the Crucible that has Feeding Frenzy and Kill Clip in its perk slots, those perks are going to be the only perks you’ll going to get every time.
This kills the grinding mechanism of the game – since there is only one weapon to chase and once you get it, that’s going to be it. Unless Bungie added completely new weapons to Destiny 2.

Seeing this, most of the community was not happy. So, Bungie added random rolls back into Destiny 2 with the release of Forsaken. Now, every time you find a weapon from Crucible or Gambit, it’ll have different rolls/perks from the last one you’ve got.
Infinite Feeding Frenzy Cheese
Feeding Frenzy is a weapon perk that increases Reload Speed of the equipped weapon every time you get a kill with it. According to Destiny Game Wiki, this perk increases the reload speed by 120%. It was first introduced in Destiny 1 back in 2015 – and was re-added into Destiny 2.
This player has found a cheese that allows you to have an infinite Feeding Frenzy perk on every weapon all the time. This includes every hand cannon, bow, rocket launcher, pulse rifle or even linear fusion rifle and that’s not the best part. The best part is that this cheese also works on every exotic weapon as well. But, there’s a catch
How To Do It
In order to pull off this cheese, you need to have two Feeding Frenzy weapons in different slots. Follow each step below as described by the player himself.
Feeding Frenzy Play Free
- Kill an enemy
- Use melee or class ability
- Immediately swap weapons
- Kill an enemy again
- Switch back to your first weapon before Feeding Frenzy comes off of its x2 buff.
Keep in mind, if you die, fast travel or leave the activity, you’ll have to do this glitch all over again. Another good thing is that if you have this cheese activated and you equip a Feeding Frenzy weapon, you’ll have Feeding Frenzy x2 buff which is even faster than x1 buff.
Feeding Frenzy Hand Cannon Beach
This glitch will soon be patched by Bungie. Go enjoy it as much as you can. Lumina, another exotic hand cannon is releasing tomorrow with a questline. Check out our complete guide on how to acquire it.