Feeding Frenzy Support Path Of Exile

  1. Feeding Frenzy Support Path Of Exile 2
  2. Feeding Frenzy Support Path Of Exiles

Feeding Frenzy Support Path Of Exile 2

Path of exile builds
Feeding Frenzy:
Patch Note:
Minions from supported skills act more aggressively and have a chance to grant the Feeding Frenzy buff to you on hit. While you have this buff, all your minions deal more damage and have increased attack, cast and movement speed.

Gem Information:
Minions from supported skills deal 24% more damage while you have Feeding frenzy

The 24% more damage is a plus for the skill linked or they changed the buff effect?
Flesh and Stone:
Patch Note:
You now take 9% less Damage from Attacks from non-Blind enemies at gem level 1

Gem Information:
You take 11% less damage from enemies that aren't nearby while in sand stance

Same thing, they changed it later? which one is correct?
(Gems status from the recent post of the Gems in 3.8)
Last edited by Bloodmila on Sep 5, 2019, 11:39:32 AM
Posted by
on Sep 5, 2019, 6:56:18 AM
About Feeding Frenzy, i believe the damage that u talk about is from the gem itself. So u have that bonus damage that aply to the linked minion plus the bonus from the charge that apply to all minions.
Posted by
on Sep 5, 2019, 2:00:37 PM
About Feeding Frenzy, i believe the damage that u talk about is from the gem itself. So u have that bonus damage that aply to the linked minion plus the bonus from the charge that apply to all minions.

I hope so, all this gem will be a huge damage upgrade in my army, but Flesh and Stone with 'non-blind enemies' will be useless, since my minions already blind them.
Posted by
on Sep 5, 2019, 6:02:20 PM
About Feeding Frenzy, i believe the damage that u talk about is from the gem itself. So u have that bonus damage that aply to the linked minion plus the bonus from the charge that apply to all minions.

I hope so, all this gem will be a huge damage upgrade in my army, but Flesh and Stone with 'non-blind enemies' will be useless, since my minions already blind them.

Depending on how u blind the enemies, u can droped that and added something else. If u don´t want to do that just drop the aura, there are some other choices. Maybe i´m wrong but i didn´t find anything about feeding frenzy buff at the patch notes, so maybe we're missing some information here :P
Posted by
on Sep 5, 2019, 6:42:17 PM
Would be interesting to know about feeding frenzy since it could be taken a couple ways, depending on whether the first quote is meant to be a general description of what happens, or a literal wording of the skill.
Either way, it's probably worth sacrificing 20% more damage (if those are two descriptions of the same thing) on at least one minion to make them aggressive. It's roughly double to attack radius, and is a noticable difference between spectres and flame golems currently although with zombies you'd really want high movement speed to make aggressive work.
Posted by
on Sep 6, 2019, 8:01:57 AM
Feeding Frenzy: The picture of the gem does not show what the feeding frenzy buff does, it only shows the base MORE damage given to supported minions.
With the buff on top of this, its gonna be a STRONG support, but only for one set of minions, as you can only have the buff once.
Flesh and Stone:
Now blind immune mobs will be effected by the damage reduction. (buff)
Now only effects attacks (Nerf)
Posted by
on Sep 6, 2019, 6:26:35 PM
Feeding Frenzy: The picture of the gem does not show what the feeding frenzy buff does, it only shows the base MORE damage given to supported minions.
With the buff on top of this, its gonna be a STRONG support, but only for one set of minions, as you can only have the buff once.
Flesh and Stone:
Now blind immune mobs will be effected by the damage reduction. (buff)
Now only effects attacks (Nerf)

Posted by
on Sep 6, 2019, 9:09:53 PM
Feeding Frenzy: The picture of the gem does not show what the feeding frenzy buff does, it only shows the base MORE damage given to supported minions.
With the buff on top of this, its gonna be a STRONG support, but only for one set of minions, as you can only have the buff once.

That's not 100% accurate.
You can only have one frenzy buff at a time, true. But the gem doesn't state that you need to gain feeding frenzy from *that* minion, just that you simply need to *have* the buff active.
If it does gain both buffs, then it's a very powerful (basically mandatory like minion damage) support.
Posted by
on Sep 6, 2019, 9:22:33 PM
Feeding frenzy support

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Active Skill Gem you wish to augment.


Report Forum Post

Feeding Frenzy Support Path Of Exiles

From the Necromancer gem reveals, referring to Meat Shield + Feeding Frenzy:
If minions are both Aggressive and Defensive, those effects cancel out, returning the minions to their original behaviour. All other bonuses from [Feeding Frenzy and Meat Shield] still apply.

This is not the case. Minions supported by both of these gems are ONLY defensive. They do not go where you cast, nor do they attack anything that isn't close to you. Tested with both Animate Guardian and Zombies. Removing both returns them to their default AI.
(actually not sure if I prefer it like this or not, honestly...)
Current IGN: twitchtvTheuberelite
http://twitch.tv/theuberelite - I stream sometimes.
Last edited by TheuberClips on Sep 12, 2019, 7:41:54 AM
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 6:31:35 AM
I was curious as to how exactly this worked, I did a little (non-empirical) testing, attempting to figure out why these two do not cancel out exactly. Warning for wall of text:
->Minions follow your cursor when you attack, move, or cast a spell. Instant spells and warcries do not work. Moving your cursor while not issuing a command will not cause the minions to move, hanging around where you last issued a command. Almost like an invisible beacon where you last clicked.
->Minions will attack enemies within an area around this beacon. This area seems to increase with feeding frenzy, and decrease with meat shield support. This range is probably the aggro range talked about. Having both returns the aggro range to original.
->If the minions find themselves outside the beacon radius, they will move to be inside the beacon radius. This is how you get minions to move with you. If there is an enemy along the path to the beacon, they will not attack it unless it is inside the aggro radius of the beacon.
-> If there is an enemy inside the beacon aggro range and the minion is outside it, the minion will attack straightaway, rather than running to the beacon and then attacking (needs further testing).
->SRS and summon skeletons probably work without these beacons in mind, as when spawned they either aggro enemies or end up just standing there. This is probably the reason as to why the aggro range of skeletons is larger than the feeding frenzy aggro range; because, if it wasn't, they would literally just stand there once anything nearby was dead.
-> If minions are really far away from you, they will do either one of two things. Regular minions will teleport to your position. SRS and Skeletons will despawn.
->The big thing that meat shield does is that this beacon is placed at your feet for attacks or spells, and your cursor for move only. Meat shield minions will still run toward this beacon for move commands, and potentially run in front of you if they are much faster than you. However, they will no longer move for anything else. If you run and then attack, this movement beacon is placed at your feet and your meat shield minions return to you.
-> beside altering the aggro range, Feeding Frenzy does not change anything regarding minion behavior.
-> thus, if you use both meat shield and feeding frenzy, the aggro range is returned to normal, but the beacon is at your feet for any attacks or spells.
The wording about this in https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623295 makes it seem as if these effects cancel each other out perfectly, but they don't.
I used meat shield support with my zombies while using cyclone in my current build. The zombies, supported by meat shield, will just be following my feet. Since the zombies only moved once they got out of radius, it results in the minions always trailing behind me. Without meat shield, however, the minions just followed the cursor while I was using cyclone.
While I was testing, I figured out that there is a way to have the effects cancel out. The game seems to always keep track of where you are standing and where you are attacking while using an attack or spell. Using some simple vector mathematics, you can calculate a point between where you are standing and attacking, and send minions there instead. They will literally stand between you and where you are attacking, as a meat shield. Hell, with feeding frenzy support, you can have the minions overshoot where you are attacking. If you then equip both of these, you can have the changes to minions locations cancel out, and return their behavior to normal.
Posted by
on Sep 15, 2019, 8:49:20 PM
From the Necromancer gem reveals, referring to Meat Shield + Feeding Frenzy:
If minions are both Aggressive and Defensive, those effects cancel out, returning the minions to their original behaviour. All other bonuses from [Feeding Frenzy and Meat Shield] still apply.

This is not the case. Minions supported by both of these gems are ONLY defensive. They do not go where you cast, nor do they attack anything that isn't close to you. Tested with both Animate Guardian and Zombies. Removing both returns them to their default AI.
(actually not sure if I prefer it like this or not, honestly...)

Hey there,
Thank you for the report.
This is indeed bugged, it has been fixed and will be included in a future patch.
Sorry for the trouble!
Posted by
on Sep 16, 2019, 12:20:23 AM