Frenzy meaning: 1. (an example of) uncontrolled and excited behaviour or emotion that is sometimes violent: 2. Feeding frenzy; See all meanings. Word of the Day. The quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult. Vast, spotless and awesome (Extreme adjectives, Part 2). Dec 19, 2019 Go behind the scenes to learn about and assist in feeding some of our favorite critters from Narragansett Bay! See little skates chow down, watch our stargazer electrify his prey, feast your eyes on sharks “tearing” into their dinner and much more.
175 Memorial Blvd
Newport, RI 02840
Join the staff at the Save The Bay Exploration Center and Aquarium for an interactive and educational experience. Go behind the scenes to learn about and assist in feeding some of our favorite critters from Narragansett Bay! See little skates chow down, watch our stargazer electrify his prey, feast your eyes on sharks “tearing” into their dinner and much more. Advanced registration is required by 4:30 p.m. on the date of the event. Advanced registration ($10 General / $8 members) is required. For Feeding Frenzy dates and to register, click here or call 401-324-6020.
*Please note: Be sure to access the Johnson & Wales University Harborside Campus through the main entrance on Harborside Blvd. Your GPS may suggest taking Ernest Street to JWU’s Shipyard Street entrance, but that route requires a key card for entry.
From Route I-95 North or South, take Exit 18 (Thurbers Avenue). Head downhill on Thurbers Avenue to US Route 1A (Allens Avenue). Turn right onto Allens Ave. Continue southbound on Allens Ave. into Cranston, where Allens Ave. becomes Narragansett Blvd. Turn left onto Harborside Blvd. at the traffic light by the Shell gas station. Follow Harborside Blvd. through the Johnson & Wales Harborside Campus. At the end of Harborside Blvd., turn right onto Save The Bay Drive. Save The Bay Drive becomes a circular, one-way roadway as you approach the Bay Center. Parking is available in four guest lots after you pass the main building. Enter the building through the main entrance.
March 17, 2020
Dear Friends, Supporters and Community Members,
Save The Bay is no stranger to monumental challenges. We have persevered in the face of oil spills, pollution, powerful corporations and the global threat of climate change. While the strategies we use to fight each battle may differ, one thing remains constant: Save The Bay never wavers from our mission to protect Narragansett Bay. And a pandemic won’t stop us either.
While we have decided to temporarily close our facilities in Providence, Newport and Westerly for two weeks in response to COVID-19, our staff is equipped to work from home. Rest assured that Save The Bay continues to stand guard over our most treasured natural resource.
As always, our staff is accessible via email (listed on our website), or you can send inquiries via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Thank you for your understanding and support. We will continue to update you as the current public health crisis evolves.
Stay safe and healthy,
Jonathan Stone, Save The Bay Executive Director
Alongside the release of the Blight expansion, we're introducing the Carrion Golem and a handful of new Support Gems that let you customise your minions. Summon Carrion GolemThe Carrion Golem is a well-rounded attacker, using a rapid melee attack, a leap slam to get into the thick of combat, and a powerful cooldown-restricted multi-cascade slam. As its passive Golem buff, it grants added physical damage to all non-golem minions, including their attacks and spells. It has a unique feature among golems, gaining more damage for each of your non-golem minions around it, up to 80% more damage.A single Carrion Golem fits well into established Minion builds as an extra bonus to all of your necromantic minions. It can also be invested in more heavily by taking various sources of additional golems (including a new notable passive) and using multiple golems alongside a swarm of zombies or skeletons. There are also four new support gems that you can place on minions to change their behaviour and function: Feeding Frenzy SupportThe Feeding Frenzy support gem makes supported minions aggressive, increasing the range that they'll seek out enemies. It also gives hits from the minions a chance to give you the Feeding Frenzy buff, granting more minion damage and increased minion attack, cast and movement speed. While you have the Feeding Frenzy buff, the supported minions deal even more damage.Meat Shield SupportThe Meat Shield support gem makes supported minions defensive, causing them to only attack enemies that get very close to you. It also gives the minions a chance to taunt on hit, reduces the damage they take, and causes them to deal more damage to enemies close to you.If minions are both Aggressive and Defensive, those effects cancel out, returning the minions to their original behaviour. All other bonuses from the support gems still apply. Deathmark SupportThe Deathmark support gem grants supported minions more damage, and grants you the Deathmark skill. Casting Deathmark on an enemy causes all minions supported by a Deathmark support to prioritise attacking the target, and gives them a further damage multiplier against that enemy. Casting Deathmark on a new enemy removes any existing Deathmark.You can Deathmark to have precise targeting for specific minions, and the Deathmark targeting will override Aggressive or Defensive behaviour while it is active. The minions will fall back on their regular targeting if no Deathmark is present. Different combinations of these three support gems let you use different minions for different roles. An example might be using your Zombies with Meat Shield to protect you, your Carrion Golems with Feeding Frenzy to clear groups of enemies, and the Deathmark Support on both of them so you can send all of them in after bosses while you evade the bosses abilities from a distance. Infernal Legion SupportThe Infernal Legion support gem causes supported minions to take a large percent of their maximum life as fire damage over time. They all gain a burning damage aura, dealing fire damage over time to nearby enemies. The effect doesn't stack, but is modified by minion damage increases and other support gems.This support can be used to deal damage to large groups of enemies, and is available at quite a low level, so is an alternative to Melee Splash for some minion types. It also works well alongside the Minion Instability keystone, letting you use your minions as walking time bombs. We'll be revealing further minion changes, including the new wand base type, Necromancer ascendancy, and passive tree in the upcoming teasers and news. In the meantime, check out a video of the new gems: | |
Posted byNatalia_GGG on Aug 22, 2019, 3:55:06 AM | |
dank | Posted by dattemayo on Aug 22, 2019, 3:59:13 AM |
OK i get it im going summoner next league geez!!!! | Posted by RockLeesWW on Aug 22, 2019, 3:59:48 AM |
looks like they are making everything possible for necromancer to be the next fotm.. I guess sooner or later I had to try out necromancer.. Turning players into payers. Have 'fun' alpha testing this league. I may or may not play this league after they are done 'listening' to feedback. The same people laughing at the dead horse for W3 reforged mysteriously ignores that every new league TGGG releases is a W3 reforged. | Posted by Xystre on Aug 22, 2019, 3:59:48 AM |
Is this something you'll have to pay for? Will the next fotm get nerfed as well? | Posted by Stokes1 on Aug 22, 2019, 4:04:58 AM |
IGN: Gonorreitor | Posted by Valmar on Aug 22, 2019, 4:06:01 AM |
Are these gems going to work with the Dancing Duo Minions GGG? | Posted by LoboX7 on Aug 22, 2019, 4:06:27 AM |
Posted by KrimsonKatana on Aug 22, 2019, 4:07:34 AM | |
This is the minion buff we were all hoping for! This all looks amazing. | Posted by BurninBodies on Aug 22, 2019, 4:08:19 AM |
Awesome shit! Looking forward to being a necro again | Posted by Tyrm on Aug 22, 2019, 4:08:56 AM |