GNUjump(SDLjump earlier) — small C(si) / SDL / OpenGL game where the character again and again jumping from the lower platform to a higher.
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GNUjump is a clone of the multiplayer game xjump, supports up to four players on one computer. The original game xjump was expanded with new features and smoother graphics, and also supports changing themes (four themes).
xjump — a game related to one of the incarnations of exciting and at the same time, meaningless games of the platformer genre, where the player must jump to reach the highest possible floor and not fall.
As soon as the character jumps to the first platform they start to drop, at first they move slowly, but gradually the speed increases and will have to work hard to compensate for the speed reduction…
Run along the platform character increases jump height, he can also bounce off the walls. If the character does not have time to jump on the upper platform, or falls down, the game ends.
GNUjump has low system requirements, can run in window and full screen mode, is the history of the adventures, you can record and replay games to control using a keyboard.

Feeding Frenzy Ubuntu 2
License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)
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Author: posixru