Ask Anne…
Question:My seven week old baby girl wants to nurse constantly from the hours of 5:00 pm until she goes to bed, which is normally around 11:00 pm. What is causing the constant eating? Is she getting enough from me to satisfy her? She wants to nurse again 45 minutes to an hour after she finishes eating. Please help!
Answer: It is completely normal for a baby this age to still nurse frequently. Your baby will double her birth weight by the time she is five or six months old, and triple it by a year. That’s a lot of growing to do in these early months!
Breastfed babies do tend to nurse more often because human milk is more easily digested than formula, and empties from their stomachs faster. This means more frequent feedings, but less colic, illness, constipation, and allergies.
All babies will start going longer stretches between feedings as they get older, but the timetable is different for each baby. Is your baby gaining weight adequately? That’s really the most important thing at this point.

Babies will periodically go on “growth spurts” during the early months of nursing. This means that they are growing so quickly that your milk supply needs to increase to meet their demands. The most common time for growth spurts is around 10 days, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. The best way to boost your milk production is by nursing more often for a few days (“Cluster Feeding”) until the supply catches up. She may be going through one of these growth spurts now.
The most common time for growth spurts is around 10 days, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. The best way to boost your milk production is by nursing more often for a few days (“Cluster Feeding”) until the supply catches up. Aug 08, 2004 Feeding Frenzy - posted in Birth-6 Months: Hello LadiesMy bub is 6 days old and we came home from the hospital 2 days ago, in hospital she slept and feed every 3.
It is also a very common pattern for babies to have their fussiest period of the day during the hours from dinnertime til bedtime. For some reason, they will fight sleep even when their eyelids are drooping and you KNOW they must be exhausted. This nightly period of cluster feeding and fighting sleep also coincides with the time of day when you are the most tired, your milk supply is lowest, and you are trying to cook dinner and spend some time with your partner. I know that is is a frustrating situation for you, but maybe knowing how common is it and that it won’t last forever will make you feel a little bit better. Eventually your baby will be on more of a predictable schedule, I promise.
Anne Smith, IBCLC
Breastfeeding Basics

Feeding puppies blended up food before they are ready will equal this. Puppies covered in food. They walk in it and get it all over their faces and do a face plant in it. Last year I know of two puppies that died at 3.5 weeks old from inhaling mush and getting a bacterial infection in their lungs.
At 3 to 5 weeks, depending on your dog's breed size, take good quality puppy kibble and soak it 2 parts water and 1 part kibble. Some kibble needs more water than others. The kibble will hold it's shape and soak up the water. You want to use as much water as you can and have the kibble pieces swell up and go very soft. Give the food to the puppies in their eating area, not in their potty area or their play area. The puppies will be able to pick up a piece of soaked kibble and eat it. If they are not ready to do this they are not ready to eat solid food.
Feeding Frenzy 2 online, free
A dam will often let you know it is time to start feeding the pups solid food when you see her regurgitate her kibble for them. It is a sure sign that soaked kibble is what you should be feeding them. Listen to the dam's instincts. I find if I try to wait until 5 weeks to add solid food to their diet, the dam will beat me to it the day or two before. This confirms that the timing was right on.