Poe Feeding Frenzy Zombies

PoeCurrencyBuyDate: Dec/03/19 01:36:12Views: 22755

This PoE 3.9 Witch Raise Zombie build is INSANELY SIMPLE & EFFECTIVE. There is no crazy crafting required or massive 10+ exalt gear like other builds. It's built around uniques that everyone can easily access and replicate. You can do all content without clicking any buttons.

Quick Jump

Pros & Cons

  • + The Greatest Summoner Build in the History of POE
  • + Fast clear
  • + Fast farming
  • + Easy Shaper
  • + Easy Uber Elder
  • + Easy all content
  • + 90 minions doing everything for you
  • + Minimal buttons
  • + Can play POE while watching Netflix
  • + Can play POE with one hand (mouse only)
  • + Feels as smooth as butter
  • + Versatile, can go more offensive or defensive with easy gem/gear swap to suit any playstyle
  • + All map mods (except Phys reflect)
  • + Cheap (can do T15 on a few chaos... 6-10ex fully decked out)
  • + Extremely high damage (Fastest Uber Elder kill in the history of POE)
  • + Tanky (7000+ life, overcapped resistances, physical mitigation, leech, defensive minions, fortify, meat shield, and more.. and of course, extremely fast)... just watch me absorb a Shaper Beam in the Uber Elder gif at the top.
  • + With late game TANK setup you will reach over 14,000 eHP!!
  • + Never die
  • - People will get jealous of how you can farm three times as much currency as them and take down all content so easily on such a cheap build without pressing buttons

Start with Summon Raging Spirits. Transition into Summon Skeletons and Raise Zombies. Support those main skills with minion life, minion damage, feeding frenzy, melee physical damage, melee splash. (or any other minion gem you come across). Necro is fine because Necro never was the problem, just gems like zombies, spectres, skellies and they are nerfed also Feeding Frenzy, but things like AW is fine. Level 1 1 point 8 days ago. Feeding Frenzy Support is a minion support skill gem. It changes the supported minion behavior to be aggressive, causing them to prioritize seeking enemies and killing them. It changes the supported minion behavior to be aggressive, causing them to prioritize seeking enemies and killing them.

Skill Tree


Mindless Aggression - Unnatural Strength - Bone Barrier - Commander of Darkness. (If you want to get an extra 22% movement speed swap Commander of Darkness ascendancy to Mistress of Sacrifice and use Flesh Offering skill).

Pantheon: Major: Soul of Lunaris. Minor: Soul of Garukhan

Bandit: Kill All (recommended) OR spare Oak

Passive Tree & PoB

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/UUz1EdjT

Gems Setup

Helmet: Raise Spectre, Meat Shield, Animate Guardian, Blood Magic

Weapon: Raise Zombie, Feeding Frenzy, Brutality, Melee Physical Damage, Multistrike, Empower

Chest: Vaal Summon Skeletons, Minion Damage, Feeding Frenzy, Melee Physical Damage, Melee Splash... and Dread Banner in off socket

Gloves: Enlighten, Vaal Haste, Blasphemy and your choice of curse. Use either Enfeeble(defensive) or Vulnerability (offensive).

Boots: Flame Dash, Phase Run, and your choice of any other 2 skills such as Flesh Offering, Convocation, Desecrete, or Vaal Molten Shell.

Ring: Summon Chaos Golem

Movement Speed Note: Simply popping a quicksilver flask gets us to 180% movement speed. AWESOME!

Popping Phase run gets us to 230%. It's a very nice boost!

Add Flesh offering to get an extra 22% movespeed (if you do this you have to swap Commander of Darkness ascendancy to Mistress of Sacrifice)

Popping Vaal Haste gets us an extra 23% movespeed.

Using these above additions (+ pantheon bonuses) you can reach over 280% movespeed. CRAZY.

If you want to go all out on speed, there is also a +15% movespeed chest you can wear, and also some nearby passives you can pick up to get you over 300%... I haven't tried it yet... but I will purely for the shits and giggles :)

Gear Setup

Helmet: The Baron

30% increased Spectral Shield Throw Projectile Speed

+2 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems

+40 to Strength

Minions have 20% increased maximum Life

Half of your Strength is added to your Minions

+1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies per 300 Strength

With at least 1000 Strength, 2% of Damage dealt by your Raised Zombies is Leeched to you as Life

Just great for zombies and all minion builds in general...


Shaper's Touch

112% increased Armour and Energy Shield

+4 Accuracy Rating per 2 Intelligence

+1 Life per 4 Dexterity

+2 Mana per 4 Strength

2% increased Energy Shield per 10 Strength

2% increased Evasion Rating per 10 Intelligence

2% increased Melee Physical Damage per 10 Dexterity

Meginord's Vise

+100 to Strength

10% increased Global Physical Damage

59% increased Armour

Regenerate 2% of Life per second with at least 400 Strength

Poe Feeding Frenzy Zombies

Best in slot when coupled with Geofri's Sanctuary chest.

Budget item to get +100 strength to help us get to 1000 strength for Baron leech bonus

Boots: Seven-League Step

6% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite if you haven't Crit Recently

Because we want speed.

If you are struggling for resistances or strength, use rare boots with 30+ movement speed and fill any strength or resistance gaps.

If you don't care about speed and just want to be even more tanky, just use rare boots with strength, life, resistances. This is a slot you can do anything you like with!!. As you can see my boots are nothing but speed.

See Alternate Setups further below in the guide for some other options you may want to consider.

Belt: String of Servitude

36% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect

Because we want speed

If you don't care about speed and just want to be even more tanky and do even more damage, just use a rare belt with strength, life, resistances, increased damage during flask effect, abyssal jewel... pick your poison! This is a slot you can do anything you like with!!. As you can see my belt is nothing but speed.

See Alternate Setups further below in the guide for some other options you may want to consider.


Grim Ram Steelhead

45% increased Stun Duration on Enemies

Poe Wiki Feeding Frenzy

+1 to Level of Socketed Gems

Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Maim

20% chance to Maim on Hit

Can have multiple Crafted Modifiers

+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems

Minions have 41% increased maximum Life

Minions deal 45% increased Damage

Minions have 28% increased Attack Speed

Minions have 25% increased Cast Speed

Queen's Escape

+185 to Accuracy Rating

25% increased Strength Requirement

Minions have 36% increased maximum Life

Minions have 85% increased Movement Speed

188% increased Skeleton Duration

Minions deal 37% increased Damage

+1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies

+1 to maximum number of Spectres

+1 to maximum number of Skeletons

Grim Ram Steelhead: Best in slot giving level 30 Raise Zombie giving an extra zombie AND a shitload of extra damage.

Queen's Escape: It's cheap and gives great bonuses:

+1 Zombie
+1 Spectre
+1 Skellie

Because we run so fast, the minion speed is important so that they can keep up while still killing things!

Other Zombie builds (known for caring only about DPS) go all out on stacking as many zombies and as much damage as possible. You don't need more damage. Extra damage is a waste of currency, waste of passive points and a waste of time because you go slower. In fact, we clock up faster Uber Elder runs with our simple gear :) We, instead, get to an optimal level of zombies (14-15) without need for restrictive gear and then prioritise speed and defence (we reach over 15,000 Life/ES in late-game compared with 8-10k regular zombie builds)

Can also use a Chaber Cairn, Femurs Fur, or rare mace.


Geofri's Sanctuary

68% increased Armour and Energy Shield

+35 to maximum Energy Shield

+63 to maximum Life

+18% to all Elemental Resistances

+2 maximum Energy Shield per 5 Strength

Poe Feeding Frenzy Zombies 2

Zealot's Oath

Dusk Mantle Astral Plate

+12% to all Elemental Resistances

+54 to Strength

+117 to maximum Life

+46% to Fire Resistance

+36% to Cold Resistance

Reflects 12 Physical Damage to Melee Attackers

+1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies

+1 to maximum number of Skeletons

Geofri's Sanctuary: Best in slot providing a tonne of ES when coupled with Shaper's Touch Gloves

Dusk Mantle Astral Plate: Life, strength, resists... bonus with the minion modifiers.

Poe Feeding Frenzy Zombies

If you want to use ranged spectres, just swap in a Tabula or get any BBBGGR chestpiece. See Spectres section for more details on this setup. Alternatively you can put ranged spectres into gloves on a 4L (which is what I now do).

Amulet: Astramentis

-4 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits

We want strength for Baron bonuses. Also helps with dex/int stats for gems such as Haste.

Oils: Anoint Death Attunement or Ravenous Horde

Rings: Strength, life, resists.


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